"Needless to say, we have a goodly amount of material to cover."
"They've got this paradigm going and they like to dwell in it."
"Joseph was very malleable...Hyrum was more reticent."
"It seems the Lord is giving us a recipe of how we can eschew worldly things."
"Do you think this would've applied some kind of impetus?"
My notes aren't as good as Josh's. Apologies.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Your life can' be that bad...
This compilation of pictures are for all those who feel they have all the bad luck in the world, and that their life sucks...well take a look at these people.

I will continue to add to this to further inspire you all to love life....SMILE!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Wonderful words of our under-qualified Gospel Doctrine teacher, who, according to our stake president, "has a problem."
"Nelson has a problem" - Stake President
- "Penultimate"
- "A pedagogue of some renown among the higher echelons of CES"
- "FARMS: Indiana Jones with a Book of Mormon, the good guys"
- "torn asunder"
- "Gross abomination"
- "Hide their gross iniquities from before His face"
- "People are weeping, and mourning, and freaking out, really"
- "Gross darkness"
- "Don't hesitate to give me a little butt-kicking"
- (immediately after testimony) [snaps fingers and points]
- "Misinformation, disinformation, and ignorance are the three greatest enemies of the Church right now
- "MO-DO: Mormon Doctrine"
- "Caveat" (pronounced by Nelson as CAW vay ott)
- "Truth had been fragmented so much"
- "Pretty much removing all disputations"
- "I am particularly fond of that dandy little tune [the one about the wise man and the foolish man]"
- "Excellent. That's good stuff, that's good stuff right there" [after Nat's comment]
- "One other thing: gross darkness"
- "Think about it in your mind, as if there were some other place to think of it."
- Terrible darkness and this happy place
- We're completely out of
- "Okay, its the yuge" (as in usual)
- "an under-qualified Sunday school teacher"
- "Holy Shnikeys we're out of time"
- Think of things that bring you joy: 'man this chocolate cake is delicious'"
- "I have never been so happy that I, like, collapsed" (ref. Alma 27)
- "You know how much I love a bit of speculation" [throws tie over shoulder]
- "This is a serious lesson so I brought along MoDo. I'm all about MoDo. Let's turn to MoDo"
- "That is not true, As you can see from the swift and hasty removal of that apostate drawing from the board"
- "Go, go Jeremiah 3:18!"
- "Let's talk about Gentiles"
- "What does it mean for the house of Israel to become as young lions who rend and tear and destroy?"
- "Rod of Destruction"
- "Josh, you are the Supreme High Lord of Apostasy"
- "You know who needs redeeming? Brother Josh Guest who made an absolute buffoon of himself in Sunday School today."
- "If you can't see rainbows, watch out: famine, destruction, fire"
- "We are exhorted by remotely prominent people to read the words of Isaiah"
- "The intense love that the Lord has for us is ...really nifty"
- "Polishing is critical"
- "A touch of annoyance"
- "I had to weed the garden and move the rocks and my dad ate the vegetables because I didn't even like them."
- "Why don't we just go to the store and we can freaking buy the dang things
- "The wisdom of my youth was confounded thereby"
- "The effervescent Spencer Urban"
- "Hasten! Put that in your blog, Guest"
- "If you can't remember I'm not going to remind you"
- "Try not to wax too... Wow... Eloquent"
- "Consider this and compare it to the meager gospel doctrine classes which ye are forced to endure on a weekly basis."
- "Til it is everlastingly too late, for Josh Guest, betrayer of the good"
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